GUM SONALI-XN600 is a high molecular Weight anion polysaccharide produced by fermentation of a carbohydrate with Xanthomonas campestris. It is soluble in cold or hot water, but not soluble in organic solvent. It is not poisonous & eatable. As a result of its high viscosity, high features of acid-proof, alkali-proof, salt-proof & heat-proof it can be used as a thicker or a stabilizer for food, pharmaceutical, especially at the recovering petroleum industry, cosmetic and the other industry applications widely.
Product Features and Benefits
1. High efficiency thickening.
2. A high degree pseudo-plasticity overboard shear rate and concentration range.
3, Stable in both acidic and alkaline solutions.
4. Exhibit little solution viscosity change over a wide temperature range.
5. Compatible with solutions containing high concentration of various salt.
6. Provide excellent suspension for insoluble solids and oil droplets.
7. Extremely effective emulsion and foam stabilizer.
8. Show synergism with guar and locust bean gum.
9. Provide excellent mouth-feel to various foods.
10. Impart freeze and thaw stability.
11. It is stability at -18°C~130°C to be used in the food & the other industry.
12, Drilling mud agent. As a result of its well heatproof, anti-salt, shearing dilution & particle suspended function it is the best drilling mud agent for drilling on the sea.
13, At saturation salt water & 85°C it is long-time stability, therefore is the best expelling oil agent on the high temperature & salt oil field.
25Kg per paper bag or drum within lining plastic bag or 20Kg per paper case within lining plastic bag
Store in sealed containers in a cool & dry place.
Use method
The GUM SONALI-XN600 holds strong hydrophilic property. As entering into water its best outer sphere contacts water & absorbs a lot of water immediately. It's volume expands & becomes micelle so that to stop water to enter into inner. So Xanthan gum can not give play to the function. Therefor to have to take correct method.
1. 1part GUM SONALI is mixed with or over 10 parts the other dry material e.g. sugar, salt or glutamate to get mixed powder. Then slow to enter it into water agitating & continuously to agitate it until solved all.
2. To process by colloid mill will be able to make perfect uniform result after GUM was solved into water given rate.